App Dev Course

Event Completed 🚀


With this Intro to App Development course, students from grades 6-12 will learn the basics of website & application development in a variety of tools (HTML, CSS, JS, MIT app inventor). This course will provide a strong basis for students to build comprehensive web apps. Some of the concepts that will be explained include HTML tags, CS properties, JavaScript manipulation of the DOM, and more. In addition to lectures about these concepts, students will implement basic programs to see their progress as they take the course. We believe that this course will allow students to effortlessly program small-scale applications.

Course Info
  • 5 week intensive course
  • 2 sessions per week
  • 2 hours per session
  • Required Materials: Computer, internet, and optional notebook for notes
  • Online zoom sessions
  • Note: This course is for students who are interested in programming and are committed to attending ALL sessions unless excused. NO PRIOR PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE NEEDED.
  • Day 1: Intro to Web Dev
  • Day 2: Advanced CSS
  • Day 3: Full Project with HTML/CSS
  • Day 4: JavaScript Basics
  • Day 5: JavaScript Projects
  • Day 6: Intro to MIT App Inventor
  • Day 7: MIT APP Inventor Projects
  • Day 8: Review Apps

Kabir Ramzan

Ashwin Kuppahally

Krish Maniar

Kunal Jain

Arjun Dixit


Matthew Lau



Testimonials will be posted soon

Copyright © 2019-2022 by App Dev League, Inc.

Registered as a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible non profit organization
(EIN: 85-3376559)

Email: [email protected]